Since 2001 we have been “self managed” meaning we lease the site from the Borough and manage all aspects of site supervision, maintenance and development ourselves. We are officially known as Pitshanger Allotment and Conservation Association or PACA. Our “independent status” has meant that, for example, we have built our own borehole so that we no longer depend on mains water and need never fear the dreaded hose pipe bans in dry times.
Plot Size
PACA offers gardeners a total of 240 plots of slightly varying sizes with the average size being 5 by 25 metres. Some of these plots are worked as half plots which is obviously a good idea for novices or for those whose strength may be waning.
The cost per rod or pole (A rod or pole is a measure of area equal to 16.5 feet by 16.5 feet, 272 square feet or 25 square metres) is reviewed at the AGM and stands at £18 for 2018-19. Rent is payable by 30th September each year. Plot holders who take over from October 1st. to 31st.May are required to pay a full rent. There is a concession for certain categories of tenant. Payment of rent is undertaken in the last weekend of September in the trading hut or increasingly via BACS.
Members are then able to exchange their keys to fit a change of padlock.
In recent years, there has been a surge in demand for allotments and we now have no instantly available plots. We therefore operate a waiting list for would be gardeners. Please see the “how to apply page” if you are interested in trying your hand at allotmenting. At the moment the time between first application and being offered a plot is between 18 and 15 months.
Probation and Inspection
Your first year is a probation year where you see whether you are able to maintain your plot as specified in our rules. (see Our Constitution and Rules page for details).
Even when you have successfully completed your probation period, your plot, along with everyone else’s, will be inspected by members of the management committee several times a year to ensure that all plots are being used for the purposes specified in our constitution. (Please see Constitution and Rules Page.)
Management and Member Involvement
Once you’ve paid your rent you automatically become a member of PACA and have the chance to play an active part in the Association. The Management Committee, consisting of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary. Lettings Manager , Events Organiser and 3 other members meets regularly to review the running of the site and promote its development. Key policy is set at the Annual General Meeting held every September which every member is encouraged to attend. As a new member we will be delighted to make use of any of your talents and skills you are able to share.