Pitshanger Allotments AGM 2022

We had our AGM this year on Sunday 18 September. Some two dozen plotholders came along and we had a successful meeting. The Officers and Committee members were re-elected and two further plotholders have offered their help and have been co-opted onto the Committee. Rents for plots and raised beds and associate member fees were Read More …

Chairman’s Letter 2022

I’d like to begin by welcoming the new plot holders who have joined us since last September and hope they are enjoying their plots. Although many people are being careful all Covid restrictions have now been lifted and I’m glad to see we are returning to life as it was before the pandemic. The allotments Read More …

School Visit

Year 3 schoolchildren from our local primary school – North Ealing School – want to visit our site on Friday 8 July during the morning. There will be three classes of 30 children walking around the site, one class at a time. We will take them around the main footpath / road. If you’re around Read More …

RHS Hampton Court Show

Ealing Allotments Parnership will have an  allotment stand at this year’s Hampton Court Flower Show, which is on from 4 – 9 July. Jane Fernley from Brentham Allotments is involved in organising the stand and has asked if any PACA members may be growing Tromboncino squash or any other ‘exotics’ that they could spare for Read More …

Plant / Seedling Swap

We will be having a Plant / Seedling Swap again on Saturday morning,14 May 22. Monica Booth and Edith Rambure-Lambert will be providing coffee and cakes. Please support the event and help us get back to normal now all Covid restrictions have been lifted. Look out for more information on the site gates and noticeboard.