Path Maintenance / Site Road

Now the new growing season has got under way again we’d like to draw your attention to the following:  Path Maintenance A number of tenants have asked us recently about who is responsible for maintaining the paths around their plot. The main pathways and centre of the road are regularly mowed by PACA. The other Read More …

Plot Inspections

Plot Inspections After a very wet February and the first weeks of March the growing season is now starting and we’ll be carrying out Plot Inspections from the weekend of 13 / 14 April until towards the end of April. Please help us identify plots by having your plot number prominently displayed on your plot. Read More …

Water Supply

29 November 2023 Borehole Water turned off The weather forecasts for the next 2 weeks are deteriorating, with overnight frosts and long range forecasts also indicate a cold winter. We are therefore turning off the borehole, probably until the spring. We hope to be able to effect repairs and modifications to the standpipes & float Read More …


20th March 2020 We have been trying to work out how the Coronavirus pandemic might impact Pitshanger allotments. Obviously, we should all follow the relevant government recommendations regarding social isolation, staying two metres away from others on site, opening the gates and locks with gloved hands, etc, to help prevent the spread of the virus. Read More …

Shed Break-Ins

1st March 2020 Earlier this week many of the sheds on the site were broken into / opened and tools kept in them taken. It looks as though the culprits gained access into the site by climbing over the fence and hedge at the southwest corner of the site and making off with the stolen Read More …

Trading Hut Reopening

15th February 2020 Weather permitting the Trading Hut should reopen next weekend on Saturday and Sunday morning, 22nd and 23rd February. Robert will have in stock many varieties of seed potatoes, onion sets, as well as a comprehensive selection of vegetable seeds. Please support the Trading Hut by buying your seeds from Robert. Many Thanks Read More …

Newsletter January 2020

11th January 2020 Happy New Year for 2020 A Happy New Year to everyone! The days are starting to lengthen again so you may want to think about ordering your seeds / plants for the coming season. Whenever you start cultivating your plots we hope you have a successful and productive year. Bonfires Unfortunately we’ve Read More …